Chevy S10 2.2l Engine Diagram
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #1 ·
I bought a junkyard motor. I have looked for the numbers on the block and have jot been able to figure what I have. I looked up the part number on the exhaust
manifold and it looks like it was used on 1994 and 1995 engines. I need to know which year I have so I can get the right engine wiring harness. Here are some pics to help i.d. the engine
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5,883 Posts
94 and 95 should be interchangeable, 96 and 97 look similar but have a cam sensor. 94-95 PCM can control a 96-97 as well, you just won't have SFI.
2,938 Posts
VIN is on the back flange:
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #4 ·
VIN is on the back flange:
I wish I had numbers at location #¹. There is nothing there. At location #2 I have H 10 8554. This why I am having a hard time id'ing the motor.
5,883 Posts
Just use a 94 harness... unless it has a cam sensor, in which case use a 96 or 97. 95 is kind of a pain to deal with, halfway between the old proprietary computer system and OBDII.
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #6 ·
Anybody willing to snap a picture of their 94 or 95 engine?
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #7 ·
I'm still looking for parts. What are the differences between a 2.2L engine wiring harness & 4x harness ? Could I make 4.4 harness work with 2.2 engine? Maybe some repinning of connectors.
9 Posts
Might try contacting MEMBER mrbadwrench, he has access to a large data base, SORRY .. I don't know how to do that (i'm NOT real familiar with using this site, but I have seen his posts on this particular forum, I find this site very perplexing, I used to frequent a site called which spoiled me, real EZ to navigate, able to contact any other member (using a personal message if so desired) things were in EZ to navigate forums, it seems they have remodeled this site, Iwas away for a long while, and things sure have changed, I have a 94 2WD base model 2.2 eng. auto trans. I am hoping I can attach 4 pdf files for you, hope it works... they may be too large ....
OH WOW .. seems it did work !! well, hope these MIGHT help ............Rustic
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9 Posts
Joyism : found a few more items that might be helpful, also I forgot to mention in previous post with the PDF' s .. you need to scroll down after opening the pdf... sorry bout that .. one of these pdf's is a "Body-Shop" Manual, with P/Ns from 1994-2004 if using any of the P/Ns BE SURE you have THE CORRECT model year P/N !!!
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9 Posts
I'm still looking for parts. What are the differences between a 2.2L engine wiring harness & 4x harness ? Could I make 4.4 harness work with 2.2 engine? Maybe some repinning of connectors.
Joyism, .. I posted some info for you on your last post ..Hoping it helps ... Rustic
30,874 Posts
9,221 Posts
Lemme see the right side(passenger side of that engine. The sensors. Another way to tell is to pull the ignition module off located under the coil packs,and look up that part number. Every year has a different module
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #13 ·
Thanks! Rustic & Bravada. I appreciate all the help.
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #14 ·
BravadaX, here is the passenger side pic. I looked up the casting number, 94-97. I removed the ICM. The number didn't come up on a google search. I'll post it as soon as I get back home on Mon. It looks like it has a crankshaft and cam position sensor.
9 Posts
Joyism, This I found in one of the items I posted to you, its for engine ID location, ( 96-97 models ), but I would think the 94-95 models would most likely be the same, it's worth a shot ........... Rustic
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #16 ·
I'm going a new route. I found a 96 S10 2.2L with a bad head gasket. I got it for $300. I'll have to swap my automatic for the manual though.
9 Posts
Try 2 keep us updated and add some pics if possible ................ Rustic
5,883 Posts
The manual is much more enjoyable... still not fast but a lot less sluggish feeling. Too bad a '96 has the NV1500 and not a T5.
19 Posts
Discussion Starter · #19 ·
So I bought a donor truck. 1996 S10 2.2L manual trans. Motor is reported to have a blown head gasket. I'm going to use my 92 auto trans on my project. Art car for Burning Man. Speed limit on playa is 5 mph. I need to know how to connect the auto trans to the ECU. I have a manual trans available if anybody wants it. I think I will just bypass the neutral park saftey switch. I guess I'll need to get the ECU reprogrammed to tell it it has a auto trans.
5,883 Posts
What 92 auto trans is going to bolt up to 2.2L? The 2.2L has the starter on the FWD side and the duke and 2.8L had the starter on the passenger side.
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